Friday, October 4, 2013

Off the Beaten Path: Angela Roquet

Today's guest is Angela Roquet, who was actually the one that helped open the door for me to this anthology. A very big THANK YOU to her for linking me up with Jason.

Angela contributed Dearly Departed to the anthology and is also the one who has helped get the rafflecopter together. She's got some very interesting projects going on, on top of all the writing and promotions. I'll let her tell you all about it!

Books and upcoming projects: 

I'm currently taking a break from writing. In addition to the short story in Off the Beaten Path, I just released my fourth novel, a YA zombie comedy titled Crazy Ex-Ghoulfriend

I've organized a zombie themed prom in my hometown to celebrate the release and to raise money for a local library. We're calling the event the Prombie Apocalypse. It's been a lot of work, and it's definitely the biggest party I've ever been in charge of, but I think it's going to be a lot of fun. We're going to have a karaoke DJ and a photo booth, and we're also crowning a royally undead court and judging a zombie walk-off contest. 

The Facebook event page can be found here: 

I'll be back at the keyboard some time in November to get started on Psychopomp, book 4 in my Lana Harvey series.

What was your inspiration for Dearly Departed?

"Dearly Departed" is set in the world of Lana Harvey, the protagonist of my urban fantasy series. It was an opportunity to take a glimpse into Lana's past. The twenties seemed like a fun era to explore, and the story also allowed me to shed some light on the origins of Lana's unambitious work ethic. I think quite a few Lana fans were hoping to catch a glimpse of Saul Avelo, Lana's deceased mentor, but the story actually takes place ten years after his death, which is still pretty fresh, considering the life expectancy of a reaper. I am hoping to feature Saul in a later short story though. 

Before you go, give us some of your thoughts on writing.

One of the most important lessons I've learned while writing is that spell check is not my friend. Spell check does not care if my characters empty their bowls or empty their bowels. It's always best to have a trusty team of beta readers to catch all those lovely typos.

Thanks for having me on your blog! It was a blast working on this anthology with you! : )

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Absolutely! Angela has a number of ways to get in touch with her. If you enjoyed her little taste of the afterlife in Dearly Departed, I guarantee you're going to want to take a look at her website!

Twitter: @angelaroquet

Also, you can check out all her previous works on Goodreads and Amazon below.


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I'll be taking a break with blogging tomorrow, but will be back to finish up the tour next week. My next post will be on Sunday with some insider information on Monica La Porta! See ya then!

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