Monday, January 14, 2013

Halfway through...

the month.

Can't say that I'm halfway through Part 3 yet, although the writing is still going well. I pulled a couple mini marathons with my daughter this weekend to help us both focus on our writing. It worked pretty well. She got two short chapters finished, and I am now well underway into Chapter 14. Anything it takes to keep that focus!

I do have big plans for this last half of the book. Really excited to get this thing done and get it out there for everyone!

And, with that I leave you with a comment from Tarter on the best part of the Golden Globes.  I will say that when the camera landed on Tommy's face, it was the one point during the night that all of us watching busted out into uproarious laughter.

He was totally about to go Tommy Lee Jones on Will Ferrell's ass.

Thank you Mr. Jones. You still remain one of my favorites actors.

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