Thursday, May 7, 2020

The First Bump

I guess it's time for another post. Still hard to get back into the swing of things, so bear with me. It's certainly a struggle. I'll take the time to say that whatever you're out there struggling with, keep at it. I'm with you. I'm here to help you put that block behind you and keep going. Life sucks right now and has the potential to get a lot worse before it gets better, so let's stay in this together.

As stated in my previous post, the rocks that started rolling downhill on top of me started in late December 2017 went I spent the night in the ER. They were the first signs of the avalanche waiting to come but minor in the grand scheme of things and also something I had spoken about before on my blog. I had spent the week with a terrible headache and couldn't stop throwing up. Not only was it horrible, but it was terrifying. I was able to get the cat scan that was long overdue and in January 2018 was finally diagnosed with chronic migraines.

Although this was something I had been dealing with for a while, it gave a name to the pain and a pathway to control. I began seeing a neurologist, and although we went through a lot of trial and error at first, we finally landed on some medication that has dampened the migraines' effects and stopped most altogether. Huge win here.

To put it mildly and short, the fibroid they found was benign, thankfully. However, it was the size of a tennis ball and nearly as round. I don't want to give too much detail, but there was some damage caused, and I had to have a hysterectomy. I had to make the decision to delay my return to college and bump out the course I had signed up for or try to push through the course work during my surgery and downtime. I chose the latter and finished the course with an A. The first step in that journey was taken.

So 2018 didn't get kicked off to a great start, but I still decided to go back to school. I had to find something flexible since I was still working a 40-hour week with an hour commute, so online was the only option. I researched, chose the school, situated my finances, and enrolled. That in itself was a chore, but I was set to start in September 2018. My yearly wellness check was in August, only a few weeks before my start date. That was when the real avalanche started.

I'll save the events of 2019 for a later post. I know we're still playing catchup here, but here's a flash-forward at what I'm currently reading. The Black Prism by Brent Weeks.

Until then. Happy reading!

Friday, May 1, 2020

To New Beginnings

It’s been so long, where do I even start? I guess by saying this post has been in my mind for some time as I’ve known what I’ve wanted to say, but when to say it? I even hinted at a few things before my grand disappearing act in 2018, but after the silence had lingered for so long, it was easier to let it be than try to break it before I was ready. Now the question is, am I ready?
But sometimes life is there to force our hand whether we want it or not, and at least this time I’m glad for it.
I’d like to say that over my nearly two years of radio silence that all I’ve been up to is work and family, that the dreaded 9 to 5 has just ate away at me, and it’s all I can do to keep up with that and family. Such has not been the case. Oh lordy, has that not been the case. I have so much to tell you. So much so that this story will require multiple blog postings and maybe a glass or two of wine. At the very least, you may want to get your popcorn ready for some later postings, but for now, I’ll start you off lite.
Although my last couple of years have been terribly rocky, there is one main culprit that has stolen most of my time. In September 2018, I took my ass back to college. That’s right. I’m finally finishing out my degree. Now, because I have a full-time job, along with some other events that happened between then and now, this has taken a little longer than originally anticipated, but I will graduate this year. I can assure you that after graduation, all of that time spent on school will be back to working on my books.
Now I’ve managed to find some meager time to write and work on my new website here and there, it hasn’t been as much as I’d have liked. Right now, writing is like taking a vacation. Also, since I knew this would be a series of posts, I didn’t want to commit to writing on posts, then end up going weeks, maybe a month before I could find time to get another post down. I feel that the next post might be a bit time-consuming. However, there has been another unexpected shift in my schedule that I will get into more later that will hopefully free up a little more time.
It does feel good to be posting again, though. For now, I’ll keep it at this and look forward to getting another post up soon.
Until then… Happy Reading!